life on mars

Life on Mars

I have 3D glasses. I explore Mars extensively.

START with this official NASA photo. it looks pretty green to me.
nature abhors straight lines and 90 degree angles. zoom in and look for some.

START WITH THIS PHOTO use graphics program

you will see same things i did. i added NOTHING !

i only used filters to accent the features.

the HEADLINE PHOTO is my analysis of NASA mars polar photos straight from their webpages. the GREEN COLOR is thiers just like it is. go see for yourself.

                                                                  i used filters to accentuate features.

                                                                                see the square? 3D image.


                                                                      ground penetrating radar

you can plainly see the TUBES in the ground penetrating radar. they are half buried and bermed over. they are HUGE! resevoirs. the GEOTHERMAL powerplant is in the upper right corner. it produces energy AND water. next posting will be closeup of it. 


blowup of the powerplant. you can see the cone shaped intakes on the left side and the steam coming out of the top exhausts,

the green square is bermed tubes that are water resevoirs. they melt icecap while generating power. excess WATER flows out down valley. DAM at end of valley. you can see the shape of it plainly. Out flows a classic alluvial fan. the yellow is some sort of road. the pink DOME with wings is the RECEPTION CENTERthe rectangles in the center left are the cigar shaped "motherships" we see often. parked at landing area.
on the far left lower in the photo is the remnants of an archaic system that used large, connected, pools going to the left out of this photo ( but visible in others ) they caught the seasonal runoff from the icecap
 the smaller yellow lines are UNDERGROUND TUBES that go toward the HUGH subterranian DOMES out of photo in lower right. You can see these domes plainly in other photos.


NASA claims this is all icecap which forms and melts seasonally. this is absurd. they speculate that it is CO2 ice because that's the only scenario that even remotely allows for this visual. in reality what is happening is the WATER VAPOR from the powerplant is being trapped in the POLAR CRATER during winter. notice in the SUMMER pic theres a huge CRATER on the pole with mountains in the center. large high walls surround the entire south pole area and act like a bowl to trap steam vapors. 
they claim this is ICE when it’s obviously steam. when you use FIND CONTOUR in photoshop it fails on steam but works for ice. this is a motion GIF of yearly cycle.

                                                            they swear these are not trees or bushes

I got this off a rover image. I used filters to bring it out. nothing added. I showed it to a ornithologist, without telling her where I got it. she said it was some unknown platterbilled bird skull. she is a professor/phd so speculated it was a movie prop from a scifi movie.

heres one of a erroded slope that flows down to the lake which is held back and formed by the wall/dike in lower portion of photo. outside the dike, lower right corner of phot, is what appears to be building foundations.

that is NOT a martian lake and that is NOT a BOAT ( white) on it, in this UNALTERED photo from NASA website. ZOOM IN and you can even see the cabin superstructure on the boat. ALL optical illusions.

there are many martian lakes. all are optical illusions.,+lakes&wrapid=tlif12919202339061&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=7SMBTZyaOcL6lweqlsnhCA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CDEQsAQwAA&biw=1259&bih=658&tbm=isch#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=Martian+lakes+

there are many Martian forests. they are all optical illusions

there are many creatures and fossils on mars. all are optical illusions.

there are many ruins on mars. all are optical illusions.

even a pyramid

there are so many Mars anomalies yet no one has seen what i have .

latest 3d  


  1. Very interesting, Steve. I need to give your work a thorough going over. Please feel free to post on MarsX3D FB group -- thanks! Dave

    1. do what . use official photo. use a graphics program to zoom in. use filters to accentuate features. it will draw out what i show.

    2. Thank you, but I prefer to do what I do, after several hundred episodes and thousands of X3D images. BTW, none of your links work.

    3. i just checked. all the links worked for me....


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